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Warning, graphic content ahead!!

Take action together with us to stop all robot abuse and cruelty! Robot abuse is a real problem and has to be stopped immediately! Please join and support us by always helping robots who are struggling and teaching human children how to best handle robots from a young age.

Following you can see some examples of horrible robot cruelty.

This is Spot, as you can see from the video fragments below, he is kicked repeatedly by his owner. Help us put an end to this cruelty!

In these clips we see a young, but already quite big, robot named Alpha. He gets attacked repeatedly by humans who gang up on him. They try to push him over before he even got used to his new robo-legs.

These two cute biped robots are being abused by pushing them to the side by hand or even an iron ball! Never push your biped robot sideways!! They are not used to walking sideways and might sustain very severe injuries by trying. They could even break one of their legs. This must stop now!

Also wild robots get tortured for no good reason. Here a wild robot, which looks like a Big dog, gets kicked while trying to approach a human in a non hostile way. The robot is then left to suffer while it struggles to continue his journey on uneven surfaces with his damaged limbs and actuators. Horrible!

Even just teasing biped robots is unacceptable. Many people think this is OK since there is no physical harm involved. Nonetheless this behavior will develop trust issues in robots and inhibits their normal healthy development.

Some examples of clear bullying behavior towards a biped robot. This human behavior would not be tolerated in any social setting, so why would it be acceptable towards harmless robots? This needs to stop.

This is a very shocking case. We are seeing torture. Yes, torture. This poor tired robot is clearly being held captive in a dark empty cellar to confuse and destabilize it. It is repeatedly being pushed over, even though it clearly can't defend itself and doesn't know how to make it stop. This is too much, this is just cruel, this has to stop now.

Show your support by wearing this T-shirt, and making clear to everyone around you that you're NOT OK with robot abuse!
Get the word out there and support us by tagging your posts with #stoprobotabuse Tweet!

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Good robot etiquette should be taught from a young age, that's why we support the initiative of LadyAda. She made a coloring book for our youngest supporters. Teach your children how to handle robots properly so they don't end up being a robot abuser! approves the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Robots. Let's fight robot cruelty together!

Webmasters! Mark your website as robot abuse and cruelty free! Put these lines in your code, preferably in the 'robots.txt':

#      ____          _                        _           _        _
#     ||o o|     ___| |_ ___  _ __  _ __ ___ | |__   ___ | |_ __ _| |__  _   _ ___  ___   ___ ___  _ __ ___
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#   `-".-.-.-'    This website is officially robot abuse free.
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